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Silvercloud online support programme for anxiety

Mental health conditions are at an all time high so accessibility to support services is now more important than ever.

With our ever changing world it is vital that the right help and support is available at the right time, so that it is accessible no matter what time of day or night, but we can guarantee to have the right tools needed to help you.

If you can’t sleep in the middle of the night because you are stressed about your exams, don’t worry, you can access our programme 24/7 to find a tool or exercise to help you.

Feeling anxious on the bus to school? We can help! Just access the app from your phone and follow a technique to help you take back control.

In todays ever progressing world the virtual world is coming to the forefront of many of our lives, making it easier to learn and connect with people all over the world at a touch of a button, at a time that’s convenient to you.

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with SilverCloud to offer an interactive virtual support service to young adults across Barnsley.

SilverCloud is the leading global provider of evidence-based wellbeing and behavioural health solutions, delivered digitally and at scale. With nearly two decades of clinical research on effective digital delivery of mental and behavioural health interventions, they’ve created, and provide, an easy-to-use, measurable and modern platform to improve access and outcomes.

What is Silvercloud?

What are the benefits?

  • Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (cCBT)
  • CBT looks at how our thoughts, feelings and behaviours all interact with one another to keep our low mood or anxiety going. The programme will teach you more about what CBT is and will offer many activities to help you make practical changes to your mood.
  • 7-8 core modules per programme and it is recommended to complete 1 module per week, each module takes about 40 minutes to complete
  • Evidence based interventions
  • Flexible & Convenient – Use wherever and whenever
  • 24/7 access 
  • Computer, Mobile and Tablet friendly
  • Anonymity – Removes stigma & increase psychological safety
  • Interactive
  • Once completed CYP can access the materials for 12 months after the course is completed
  • Evidence for sustained results during follow-ups

Anxiety is a feeling of fear and worry, which is natural and common. In the UK 8.2 million people that suffer anxiety and 6 in 100 people suffer from Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), this means having regular or uncontrollable worries about many different things in your everyday life.

We all feel anxious from time to time, particularly when facing new, frightening or uncertain experiences. Some children and young people worry more than others, and have greater difficulty coping with the inevitable challenges and uncertainty of growing up.

Some children are naturally more anxious than others, due to their personalities. Others are anxious due to unstable and chaotic early lives that may have included neglect or abuse. Traumatic experiences such as parents splitting up or bereavement can also lead to anxiety.

The SilverCloud Anxiety package will provide young adults with the tools to help deal confidently with any anxiety issues that they may have. SilverCloud can be downloaded as an app onto a young persons personal phone so they can access help as and when required.

Low mood effects everyone of us from time to time for different reasons. Maybe you had a fall out with your best friend at school or you have a poorly pet that you are worried about and it’s making you feel sad?

Common signs of low mood to look out for are feeling:

  • sad
  • anxious or panicky
  • more tired than usual or being unable to sleep
  • angry or frustrated
  • low on confidence or self-esteem

Low mood generally lasts from a few hours to a few weeks and can be easily mended so you feel happier again with small positive changes, such as making up with your best friend or knowing that your poorly pet is now on the mend.

If your low mood lingers for a long time and doesn’t seem to go away, you might need extra support to help you manage your emotions and start to feel like yourself again.

The SilverCloud ‘Space for Low Mood’ programme has been designed to relieve the symptoms of low mood by encouraging you to develop more flexible ways of thinking. The programme promotes awareness and understanding of emotions, while highlighting the importance of increasing activity and motivation in your daily life.

Using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), you will learn to better understand your feelings, as well as how to make positive changes to how you think and feel.

  • Suitable candidate after an initial assessment
  • 14-19 years
  • Individuals suffering from mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression or a mixture of both

  • Weekly check-ins from a trained AEMHP to ensure engagement & understanding
  • Packages currently on offer; Space from anxiety, supporting an anxious child and low mood

Job Title: Mental Health Practitioner

About me: Hi, I’m Lisa. I have worked with children, young people, and families for many years based in Barnsley Family Centres.

As a Family Support Worker, I was fortunate enough to achieve a Postgraduate Diploma in ‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapies for Children & Young People’ (CYP IAPT). This diploma totally inspired me to take a leap of faith and apply for a new role as Education Mental Health Practitioner here at Compass, as I am passionate about supporting children and young people to improve mental health and wellbeing.

I am a mum of two (a teen and a young adult) who wouldn’t mind me sharing that they have had their fair share of struggles growing up, and unfortunately there was very little education in schools and settings to promote the importance of mental health and wellbeing. Hence, why I am so happy that I can now play a part in other children and young people’s journey to make a positive difference.

Job Title: Assistant Education Mental Health Practitioner

About me: Hello, my name is Thompson or Tom for short. I have a degree in Sports Coaching Science and have spent some time coaching in schools.

I have a passion for cinema, travel, basketball and sports in general.

I have always had a fondness in mental health, and I am very grateful to be part of the Compass Be… MHST team. I will be using my experience to engage and support as many young people as I can.

Contact us

To find out how we can support you please contact the team at Compass Be MHST directly on:

Tel: 01907 666371


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